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Keepy Uppy: Balloons and grass do not mix

Writer's picture: Your local pilotYour local pilot

Updated: Aug 12, 2021

This time we're trying to dissect without popping the balloon! It's Keepy Uppy and it's a treat! Anyway, let's begin!

This episode starts off with a shot with the Heeler house, like many other episodes. But in this scene, we can see many hot air balloons in the air. Maybe it's some kind of festival or day? Similar to what happens in Sydney on Australia Day.

Bluey has just woken up and finds a packet of balloons near her feet. Sadly, there is only one left. Why is there a packet of balloons there anyway? And why are most of them used up? And where is Bingo? Too many questions.

Bluey knows how to blow a balloon better than me. Wow.

Ooh new room I see. Though I'll dissect it when we get a better view later in the episode. Chilli and Bingo are playing a game where Chilli drops Bingo on the couch, which apparently is lots of fun.

"Morning Bluey. Ohh what have you got there?" "It's my pet bird" So the games begin.

So Bluey starts to release the air in a staggered way, to produce a raspberry sound. Bingo goes on to saying "He's saying good moooorning!" The fact that she refers to the balloon as a he really shows how generalised such things have become.

"Go free birdy!" Ahh yes, everyone's favourite game, letting a balloon go around the house. Speaking of the house, we now have a better view of the room, so time to dissect.

So yes it's a pineapple thingy that you can get from Kmart. I have no idea why they have this thing, but it does look nice.

What's with this family and pot plants? There's almost one in every corner of the house. Real or fake, they do brighten up the atmosphere. Though I don't think keeping house plants is a really good idea when you have two young kids playing games.

Seems to be an entrance to a sunroom or something of that type. This house is massive.

Wait a second. I remember seeing that plant in a different episode. Hmmm? Let's see, shall we?

From 'Hospitals'

From 'Hospitals'

Yeah, we see the same plant in Hospitals while in the kitchen, meaning that that doorway will lead to the kitchen.

Family portrait. The same image used as the cover for the actual show.

There we go. That's the portrait used in the actual house. Interesting to see Ludo use stuff like this.

A living room is not complete without a TV. It doesn't look that fancy, looks like an ordinary TV, maybe with internet connectivity. Perhaps Bandit and Chilli didn't get such a fancy one since then the girls could be hooked onto it, which they don't want to happen and want more imaginative play instead.


When you have so much money that you have a tiny mat in front of your TV and a huge carpet behind it.

The furniture in the room isn't too fancy either. Just a three-seater couch and a chair. The cushions are visible and a block of some sort on the ground. Probably a footrest or something. Now we know where Bluey got the cushions for Hospitals...

Fancy lighting.

Painting or image of a...umm....beach? Or maybe a shell showcase?

Ok, so we can see that the Heelers are R I C H.

Let's continue on...

Bingo and Bluey laugh when the balloon landed on Chilli's head. I don't blame them.

"Oh that's funny is it?" Chilli has turned her game mode on.

"Well, I've got a game for you" Proceeds to blow the balloon.

"Is it Keepy Uppy?" "Yeah it's Keepy Uppy" Well, I did not see that coming.

Why is Bluey excited for the game? It can't be that exciting? Can it?

This is the first title card of the show in which the object shown is seen moving. The balloon is not seen for a few moments but then floats from the top to where you can see in the screenshot. Nice touch.

"What's Keepy Uppy?" I'm genuinely surprised that Bingo hasn't played this game before. And seems like Bluey has because she guessed it before. I actually have no theory for this. Let's see what happens.

"You have to keep the balloon in the air and can't let it touch the ground."

Bluey can probably write a rule book on the game.

"What happens if it touches the ground?" Cute Bingo has been activated. Everybody stand back!

"Oh nothing Bingo, it's just a game." "Oh ok."

Chilli's reassurance quickly changed Bingo's thoughts, possibly indicating that Bingo has a really submissive personality, and trusts those around her.

And the game for this episode has officially started. Note the smoke detector on the roof, a nice little touch if I do say so myself.

This episode really reminds me of my childhood. Whenever my family would find a random balloon in the house, they would blow it up and play keepy uppy. I like how energetic the girls are and how they just dive straight into the game without hesitation. They haven't even had breakfast yet.

Everybody gangsta until Bingo knocks into the pot plant.

You can see the unhappiness on Chilli's face as she cleans the mess up. I said so that having pot plants around exuberant young kids is not a good idea.

"I'm gonna cook brekkie kids." We see Chilli walk through that doorway, going to make brekkie, meaning that it does lead to the kitchen. Interesting.

Ahh yes, The girls have again defeated what seemed like an impossible game of keepy uppy by working as a team and staying closer together. Great work.

"Check it out, mum!" "Hey nice strategy balloon girls."

Chilli being the great mum she is, supports the girl's tactics of the game. Though I think Chilli shouldn't leave the pan like that and look at the kids. A kitchen is never a good place to play with a balloon. I should know.

"I'm a keepy uppy expert."

Well, Bingo, you've only been playing this game for only two minutes, and you are already an expert. Wow, you sure learn something every day.

"Can you make it hard again?" "Sorry pickle, I've got my hands full." Bandit and Chilli are occasionally seen calling the girls by their characteristics of the time, and in this case, Chilli doesn't hesitate. Calling them a pickle is very hypocritical don't you think?

"Ohhh good morning everybody say good morning everyone!"

This really shows the personality of Bandit, an uplifting and sometimes weird father, who loves their kids. The fact that he's carrying laundry from the balcony is hilarious as we know that the Heelers washing is hung in the backyard.

"Dad, we're playing keepy uppy. Can you make it hard for us?" Well Bluey, you should take that question back. That could have horrible consequences. I'm warning ya.

Bandit gets straight into the game. Lifting Bingo up to make her as his newspaper, while peering into the behind of his daughter.

"Oh and so-and-so is at it again..." Bandit reading the newspaper is one of the most destructive things the planet can face.

Ok, a few questions. Why is there orange juice out there in the open? Why is the glass not full? And what were the chances of that happening? The Blueyverse is crazy!

So Bluey goes to steal Bingo from Bandit. Ouch, that must have hurt. Pulling a kid from both sides.

Bandit eventually let's go, by saying "Oh you want to read the newspaper Bluey? Ok, just don't do the sudoku"

Well, Bandit, no one does the sudoku anyway.

Bandit is one savage game player. He's acting so casually in the game, he's probably enjoying himself because he's not being tortured by the kids, but he's torturing the kids now. He took the Uno reverse card to a whole new level.

I forgot to mention this, but there is a fan, pedestal fan to be more specific in the kitchen. We didn't see this in Hospital.

"Oh dear child, you grow up so fast. Dear child, embrace your father" Screaming Bandit hugging his child like he's never seen her before. I know this is just for the game, but the way Bandit is playing, torturing the kids is just hilarious. Bandit's personality is also brought out a lot in this episode during this game. I'll talk about that later.

Bluey screaming and wriggling to get loose and telling Bingo to keep the balloon in the air shows how serious the kids are in the game.

Bandit obviously let's go, with a nice smug look on his face. That can't be good. Chilli is just minding her own business in the kitchen like nothing is happening.

"This heat is oppressive, I'll just turn on this fan..."

This is gonna escalate quickly...

That fan must have some strength. Most pedestal fans don't have that much power that it can blow the balloon that fast across the room.

"There are leaves everywhere!"

How the heck do you get a leaf blower out that fast? And just whyyy? Why? I guess Bandit is having a fun time. The living room must smell like diesel now. The fact that Bandit says that there are leaves everywhere shows how into the game he is, the dedication to bring out a leaf blower. How did Bandit start the leaf blower without any sound?

Ok, wow. That's A LOT of toys. I can't dissect all of them, but let's do a few... Also on a side note, we have NOT seen this room before. The room we saw in Hospital was different as it was upstairs and there was now access to the backyard and instead access to the verandah.

Plane. Yes. A plane model. Bluey, my respect for you has increased tenfold.

A small table and stools on the verandah. Obviously they are for the girls for play, but what makes me curious is that are they movable? They seem stuck down, I don't know. The dolphin plushie looks happy though...

A skipping rope just lying mindlessly on the ground? A trip hazard for sure.

A nice portrait if I do say so myself. The girl's artistic skills are spot on. The drawing is obviously Bandit and Chilli. Love the fact the Chilli is actually drawn shorter than Bandit.

A cute looking cash register. Along with a conveyor belt?!? Why didn't I find these in my childhood? Sighs

How has that not tumbled down yet? Is there like a gravity-defying force in the Blueyverse? The amount of questions in this dissection is amazing.

YES! Found the long dog. Very nicely hidden. Ludo you cheeky fellow.

I think I'll leave it at that. Let's continue on.

Bluey and Bingo are both continuing on with the game, with them having trouble moving around the room because of the scattered toys and play equipment.

"But who is responsible for this mess?" I wonder too Bingo. I wonder.

"My my, all these toys that are lying around are sure are making it difficult to keep the balloon up." "We know." "Can you imagine how easy this would be if you tidied them all away?"

"That isn't helping!"

You can feel Bandit is really digging into the girls. He's obviously trying to make a point by jabbing the facts into Bluey and Bingo, which they amazingly dismiss.

"Haha see Dad, out toys saved the balloon"

Bluey just likes to retaliate with Bandit, doesn't she? This also shows how both of them have a very similar personality, both trying to butthead each other. Bingo is just standing there very innocently cute.

"Not for long!"

Bandit has really stepped up. I'm pretty sure the ceiling fan will pop the balloon. We can see that Bandit is eating some kind of cereal with a few fruits popped into it.

That must have hurt. That's worse than stepping on a lego.

Interesting. The balloon doesn't pop when it hits the fan. It just bounces off at a faster speed. The fan does look fancy though...

So it seems like the balloon is bumped outside into the backyard. Chilli seems to be worried and leaves her brekkie and runs outside. Mmm, that does look delicious though.

"We can't let it touch the ground!" "We know!" Well Chilli, at least you know how to dive for a balloon. Also on a side note, This is the first time we see the backyard. You know what that means... Actually, let's do it when we get a better view.

"No, I mean we really can't let it touch the ground. Balloons pop if they touch grass" "Whaaat? You said nothing would happen!" "It's my last balloon."

Looks like the packet of balloons was solely was Bluey's and that they have played with the other balloons before. The reaction of Bingo when she heard that the balloon will pop if it touches the grass is priceless. Her face really shows how much trust she put into Chilli for knowing that nothing would happen, and suddenly, the balloon is going to pop.

I think it's time to say goodbye to that balloon. I wonder who's backyard the balloon has blown into...

"It's going into Lucky's yard!" Hmmm, who's Lucky? Let's see.

Ok, so this is the first appearance of another character in the show (apart from Chloe's mother in The Magic Xylophone). Lucky seems to be an active neighbour of the Heelers. We can see him holding a footy and a cricket bat leaning against the fence. Two pieces of equipment for sports that define Australia. Nice.

Lucky is straight onto the game. He must know the rules too, and that balloons pop if they touch the grass. Also, notice the cones and soccer ball in the corner near the veggie patch.

I had genuinely laughed at this scene. Never had I thought I would have seen like this in a kids show. A father running with a mug filled with I presume coffee, just to play a game of keepy-uppy.

So the game continues for a few seconds, with Lucky and his Dad having the balloon in their yard. When suddenly, the worst thing that can ever happen...well....happened.


Though all that good coffee did go to waste...

So Lucky's Dad pulled a hammy, never a good thing. Lucky bops the balloon back into the Heeler's backyard. I wonder where Bandit has gone. He's not seen for the last few scenes.

We now get a good view of the backyard. Let's get that magnifying glass out and start dissecting...

The biggest thing in the yard is this trampoline. This plays a big role in the episode Trampoline, but that doesn't really matter right now. Seems like a normal trampoline, though not very safe, unlike the one in Trampoline :) The trampoline is very huge in size, so I'm assuming this is not a cheap one, considering its curved sleek design as well.

A sandpit eh? Seems to be dug into the ground; not moveable. Not many toys around or in it. Nothing is really proving it's a sandpit anyway, apart from the spade sticking out.

I have moved on in the episode to a different scene, nothing really has happened, but we get a better view of the yard, let's continue...

This family really likes its decorations. Obviously lanterns, but oh boy this family has a lot.

FINALLY, we see Bandit. Is that an umbrella he's carrying? This doesn't seem good.

"Looks like rain!" Aaaand he opens the umbrella. Things are not looking too good. The balloon is floating to the ground at a vertical speed of -3/5seconds. That umbrella looks like it's for kids, considering the size and the ladybugs on it.

Alexa play sad music The expressions on Chilli, Bingo and Bluey's face all say the same thing. BANDIT WHY?

Hey Bluey, when is the funeral?

"It's all good, we can blow up another one." "That was my last balloon." Well, Bandit, that's like saying let's bring the dead back to life.

"Did I make that a little too fun?" "Yeah you did." "Sorry squirts, it's a hard one to get right." The fact that Bingo starts to stroke Bandit and make him comfortable is cute.

The girls talk about how the game was fun, that's what really matters. The gameplay, the fun, the lessons are the most important aspect.

"Yeah it was really fun" Wait, Lucky and his Dad were watching the Heeler family all this time?! Creepy.

"You know, I think we've got one last balloon left." "Really? For real life?" "Yeah, a big blue one." "Oh no."

Seems like Chilli wants to have some fun. She wants to take revenge back from Bandit for ruining the girls game. Bandit's face of defeat and agony is priceless.

"Blow up the daddy balloon!" "Yeahhh!" I feel really bad for Bandit. He has to T-pose.

"Shall we play keepy uppy?" Bluey responds with a no, and Bandit constantly asks what.

"Go free birdy!" Ahh yes. Bandit getting some good exercise. I wonder if Lucky is still looking...

Aaand yes. Bandit has gone full balloon, doing it for the laughs, making his girls happy.

And Bandit the balloon is now heading straight for the girls and Chili. Oh my.

I love this scene. We hear a thump from the ground, the frame shakes a bit. The fact that this crow actually reacts to the action below is hilarious.

Aaaand that brings us to the end of this episode. The final scene is Bandit falling onto the rest of the family, with all of them squealing in delight. I wonder if Lucky and his Dad are still watching...

I really wanted to talk about Bandit's personality in this episode. He has really been portrayed as the overly fun father, that can go a bit too much, but always make his kids happy in the end. We can also see that he was very active in this game, bringing out weird and wacky ways to keep on playing; whereas in Hospitals, we see him having almost zero interest in the game and almost falling asleep at one point. The game where he isn't tortured or used is the one he plays along with. Even in this episode, where Chilli indicates for him to become the daddy balloon, he is very reluctant and back away in a scene from the idea. Though he might not like the idea of a game, he will always play to a degree that the girls are satisfied with and in which they will have fun, and maybe learn a lesson.

The Music

The music used in this episode is very interesting and worth a dissect. On a first viewing of the episode, the music seems normal, but after multiple viewings, you will notice a few things. The music starts off very soft and slow and utilises only one instrument. Each segment of scenes has a specific instrument played in each. As the scenes start to reach the climax, the music starts to combine together to create this masterpiece that we know as the theme for Keepy Uppy. Another great work of music from the Ludo team.


This episode has really captured the wider image of the family, has really brought out Bandit's character and has introduced us to a few new characters. There are more shenanigans to come, as the next dissection is Daddy Robot!

And that brings us to the end of this dissection. Please subscribe below so you never miss a new dissection and comment your thoughts on the dissection. Also, follow us on twitter @BlueyDissects. I also want to thank Snivy2641 (Danyel) for proofreading and editing this for me. G'day and I'll catch you in the next dissection!

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